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Landing page

Dynamic landing pages

Create optimized and dynamic landing pages through campaigns. Add keyword groups to make the page dynamic and optimize SEO.

Landing page

A landing page is a page optimized for SEO, resulting in more people reaching the page when using a search engine.

Create campaign

We begin by setting up a landing page within the dashboard, navigating to the desired website. Next, we create a campaign, linking it with the Structure ID of the landing page.


We create keyword groups to apply keywords to our page, making it dynamic in the process. By utilizing keywords, we optimize effectively for SEO. For instance, we can include brand names and also incorporate location-specific keywords. Additionally, filtering based on locations with a certain population or within a designated population range is possible. When adding a new region, caution must be taken to ensure that the old regions are not duplicated in the database.

Nearby regions

To display nearby regions, you can add: [typestack.dynamic.seo.content.citylist/iMode:2/iLimit:12]. iMode is the display mode. You have mode 1 and mode 2, Mode 1 sorts by population. Mode 2 sorts by location.

iLimit is the number of regions shown, the limit is 12 regions.


By adding a meta title and meta description, further optimization is achieved. Also, include several keywords in the SEO tab on the dashboard.


Check if all keywords have been incorporated into the page.